c o n t a c t

Bettina.Carl  AT  web.de               studio address Zurich: for a studio visit, please make an appointment via e-mail

DuflonRacz gallery

Switzerland: Gerechtigkeitsgasse 40,  CH - 3011 Bern 

Belgium: Chaussée de Waterloo 690, Rivoli Building # 11,  BE - 1180 Bruxelles

www.duflon-racz.ch             info  AT duflon-racz.ch

b i o g r a p h y

please scroll down for a record of exhibitons, grants etc.

Bettina Carl is a Swiss-German artist, based in Zurich, educated in Berlin, born in Bavaria in 1968.

Her recent solo and group exhibitions include shows at Museum Haus Konstruktiv Zurich, DuflonRacz Brussels, Laura Mars Gallery Berlin, DuflonRacz Bern, Kunsthaus Grenchen, MARCO Museum of Contemporary Art Buenos Aires, Haus am Luetzowplatz Berlin, Helmhaus Zurich, D.U.M. Museum for Contemporary Art Brno, CZ, and Lucie Fontaine, Milan.

She won several residencies and awards in Berlin and Zurich, among them are the Canton of Zurich's Art Award, the Berlin Senate's Arbeitsstipendium, the City of Zurich's residency stipend in Buenos Aires, and various project grants by German institutions and Swiss foundations. Bettina Carl is also active as a curator, writer and translator in the art field.

From 2008 until 2013, Bettina Carl was represented by Vegas Gallery London, and Christiane Buentgen's SchauOrt Zurich. Since 2014, DuflonRacz Bern / Brussels are representing her work.

... to go

Growing up in the age of the Cold War in West Germany, the sound of New Wave, and the anti-nuke movement were influential throughout my teenage years.

I was studying English and Spanish Literatures in Munich, followed by a stay at the University of Granada, Spain, when the Berlin Wall came down. This felt, indeed, like "the end of the world as we knew it". Keen to get immersed in the tremendous changes underway, I moved to East Berlin. In 1994, I entered the Berlin University of Art UdK, and joined Katharina Sieverding's Klasse for Visual Cultures. After holding an Erasmus grant at Chelsea College of Art and Design London, I graduated from the Berlin University of Art in 2001 as M.A. Fine Arts (Meisterschuelerin UdK) - only to return to university once more in 2004, when I was invited to participate in the Critical Studies Postgraduate Course at the Malmo Academy of Arts, Sweden.

Over the past two decades, I have exhibited widely, mostly in European capitals. Drawing in the studio is a solitary work, and I do it with reckless abandon. However, exchange, transdisciplinary learning and delving into other artists' work have always been very important for me. In 2001, I founded CAPRI BERLIN Space for Contemporary Art with two artists friends. Though after five years and 77 shows, we closed our physical space in Berlin-Mitte, Ina Bierstedt and I have since continued to work as an independent team of artists-curators.

In 2007, private motives  -love-  made me set about a new start in Switzerland. The decision to leave Berlin and move to Zurich was eased by two successive residency grants I was awarded to. In the meantime, I've come to feel at home in the Zurich art scene as much as I do in Berlin.

solo exhibitions

2023   Dinge im Fall / Things Falling / Cosas al caer.  DuflonRacz gallery, Bern

2022   Sechs Fahnen / Six Flags. Kunstkiste akku Uster / Zurich

2020   Take a Bone From a Dog. DuflonRacz gallery, Brussels

2017    Bettina Carl / solo show, with DuflonRacz gallery, at Art on Paper Fair, BOZAR, Brussels

2017   Anti-Falten. DuflonRacz gallery, Bern

2014   Ganze Teile. Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus GSH Wettingen

2014   Nahe Verwandte des Menschen.   DuflonRacz gallery, Bern

2013    Drawings. Bettina Carl and Irene Weingartner.  Trajector Intermezzo, Brussels

2012   Neue Zeichnungen.   Kabinett Visarte, Zurich

2011   Forstgottheiten / Deities of the Forest.  Galerie SchauOrt Christiane Buentgen, Zurich (catalogue)

2009   Ein weites Feld. Bettina Carl and Ina Bierstedt.  Galerie oqbo, Berlin

2009   Utopies Prochaines-l'avenir ist nicht mehr hier.  (with Rafael Grassi Hidalgo) Kunstraum Winterthur

2008   On A Horse Without.   Vegas Gallery, London

2008   Kapitel I.   Art Agreement at Rueffer und Rub, Zurich

2008   WESEN.   Villa am Aabach, Staedtische Galerie fuer Kunst und Gestaltung Uster (catalogue)

2007   BOA constructa.   White Space contemporary art, Zurich

2006   Soll und Haben.   Villa Straeuli, Winterthur

2005   About culture: To the Old Acquaintancies.   CAPRI, Berlin

2004   Nein danke's not dead. (with Chiaru Shiota) Kunstbank gallery of the Berlin Senate for Culture

2003   CapriXXXI.   CAPRI, Berlin

2003   expo3000 reloaded.   (with Sofia Hultén) Lothringer 13, Munich

2001   Montes Sovietici.  CAPRI, Berlin

selected group exhibitions and projects 2003 - 2024

2024  Propositions. DuflonRacz gallery, Brussels

              Jugarse El Pellejo. Pólvora, Buenos Aires

2023   Colisión Estelar. Curated by Horacio Riesgo. Espacio Una Tonelada, Buenos Aires

              Fleck. Verbal performance with Púrpura (Vero Mercado & Juan Pereyra), Altas Tierras, Buenos Aires

              Zeichen-Zeichnen. Curated by Michael Nitsch, Chateau au Lac Hornegg Zurich

              Paperfile by gallery oqbo at Positions Art Fair, Berlin

              Best of visarte, Photobastei Zurich

2022     Canton of Zurich Art Awards / Werkschau, Museum Haus Konstruktiv Zurich

               Koennen wir verschwinden? Curated by Judit Villiger, Haus zur Glocke, Steckborn, CH

               Imaginaires Vibrants. Curated by Félix Antoine Buercher, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne 

               panorama akku Uster, Zeughausraeal Uster, CH 

               Anonymous Drawings 2022. Curated by Anke Becker, Galerie im Koernerpark, Berlin

               Palmenschatten. Curated by Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin

2021    The City of Zurich Art Awards  / Werkstipendien. Helmhaus Zurich

               One Thousand Plateaus, pop-up show at D.U.M. Museum for Contemporary Art, Brno, CZ

               Best of visarte 2021, OnCurating Space Zurich

               Corona Call. Curated by Sibylle Omlin, Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, CH

2020   Fit durch Wunder. Laura Mars gallery, Berlin

                BonusTrack 03. Muellerstrasse, curated by Kunsthaus Aussersihl, Zurich

                 LIME. Etel Adnan, Bettina Carl, Chr. Gonzenbach, Inga Haeusermann. DuflonRacz gallery, Bern

2019    Art for Humanism. Kunsthalle im Lipsius-Bau Dresden

                Irrlichter. DuflonRacz Galerie Bern

                Impression 2019. Kunsthaus Grenchen, CH

                Ueberrollt und abgetanzt. NeverStopReading Zurich

2018   Siempre rinde más. MARCO Arte Foro, La Boca, Buenos Aires

              Un poema al Riachuelo. Performance. Piernas sin Piernas at URRA Tigre, Buenos Aires

              Kunst-Szene Zurich 2018. art space Garage, Zurich

               Anonymous Drawings 2018 selection. Galerie am Koernerpark Berlin

               All Together  Now.  DuflonRacz gallery, Bern

2017   The City of Zurich Art Awards  / Werkstipendien. Helmhaus Zurich

               R.A.Q. Rarely Asked Questions.   Haus am Luetzowplatz, Berlin

               Untertage.  Curated by Daniela Minneboo and Sandra Oehy, former Waldhaus Dolder Zurich

               Silent Auction, The Drawing Hub, Berlin     

2016    Peripherien der Zeichnung. Palais fuer aktuelle Kunst, Glueckstadt, Hamburg

                Fetische.  DuflonRacz Galerie, Bern

                  Homesick.  Kunstraum tête, Berlin

                 Anonyme Zeichner.  Kunstverein Ruesselsheim, Galleria Q43, Rome and Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin

2015   Magnetic Leakage Fluxes/Disparátní Proudy.  D.U.M. Museum for Contemporary Art, Brno, CZ

              Centre Parting.   Kaskadenkondensator Basel

               Fernweh.   Harding Kimmel Center for Contemporary Art, Nebraska City

2014   I Baffi del Bambino.   Curated by Luca Bertolo, Lucie Fontaine Milan, IT

              Zurich art awards exhibition / Werkstipendien, Helmhaus Zurich

              made in Berlin. Pavillon am Milchhof , Berlin

               Minimale II.   Alpineum Produzentengalerie, Lucerne, CH

               Catch of the Year.   art space Dienstgebaeude, Zurich

2013   re: gegen weiss.   Remise Zurich

              Eyeing.   Curated by Miguel Mitlag, HAW HaveAWindow Projects, Turin, IT

              Anonyme Zeichner 2013 I-III. Delikatessenhaus Dresden, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin,  T.A.C. Eindhoven, NL

              SchauOrt Galerie Christiane Buentgen booth, Art Rotterdam

2012   Catch of the Year.   art space Dienstgebaeude,Zurich

              paper file on tour.   Galerie oqbo at Preview Art Fair Berlin

             Offene Systeme.   Curated by Black Box, Kunstraum Aarau, CH                               

2011   I know what you don't see.   Futura Centre for Contemporary Art Karlin Studios, Prague

             Glueck. Mit Seife und Gabeln I - II. Kunstraum Kreuzlingen u. Substitut art space, Berlin (catalogue)

             Schau Ort Galerie Christiane Buentgen booth, Art Brussels (catalogue)

             Roulette.  Vegas Gallery, London

2010   AppropriateModernism. Curated by Centrifugal Projects, Trajector Art Fair Brussels

             Ich weiss, was du nicht siehst.   Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien Berlin

            Six Days of New Media . Curated by Pola Sieverding, Temporaeres/Linienstrasse, Berlin

              Outland. Curated by Ken Pratt, Vegas Gallery, London

2009   Catch of the Year.   art space Dienstgebaeude, Zurich

               Minimale I.  Alpineum Produzentengalerie, Lucerne, CH

               I Am By Birth A Genevese I and II   Forde espace d'art, Geneva and Vegas Gallery London

              Edition Mai 09.   VFO Verein fuer Originalgraphik, Zurich

2007   The Acceptance World.   Rachmaninoff's Gallery, London

                Fortschritt.   Space Invasion Kunstprojekte, Vienna

2006   The Square Root of Drawing.  TheArtProjectsNetwork at Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (digital catalogue)

                L'Apparence et l'Abîme.   Immanence Espace d'Art,Paris

              Abyss and Surface .  P///AKT art spaces Amsterdam

2005   Things We Know . Test Site Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmo, SE

                Stick/Figure.   Showroom for Media and Moving Art M.A.M.A., Rotterdam

                 The Future is Stupid.  Showroom for Media and Moving Art M.A.M.A., Rotterdam

2004     We Are The State.  Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmo, SE

                 Drawing the Line Between Fact and Fiction.  Rocket Shop@zentralbuero, Berlin

2003   goldrausch 2003   Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin (catalogue)

                attrapé.  Heeresbaeckerei loop raum fuer aktuellekunst, Berlin

                 flache welt / flat earth 1+2   RAMP Gallery, Hamilton and rm103, Auckland, NZ (catalogue)


2004-2005   Art Academy Malmo and Rooseum Centre for Contemporary Art, Malmo: Critical Studies Postgraduate Course

1994-2001   Berlin University of Art: MA Fine Art, and BA Fine Art, with Prof. Katharina Sieverding          

1999            Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, Erasmus Grant: BA Course Fine Art

1988-1994   University of West Berlin, Universidad de Granada, University of Munich: English and Spanisch Literatures

selected residencies, grants, and acknowledgements 

2023  Prohelvetia residency grant, at La Ira de Díos art projects, Buenos Aires

2022  Canton of Zurich Art Award / Werkbeitrag des Kantons Zuerich

2021   artist grant: Covid-19 fund of the City of Zurich                           

2020   project grant: Stiftung KunstFonds Bonn

2018   6-months residency at Casa Suiza, Buenos Aires: Atelierstipendium City of Zurich 2017

2016   project grants: City of Zurich, Foundations E. & C. Burgauer, E. Goehner, O. & E. Gubler-Hablueztel

2015   project grants: Senate of Berlin, Czech-German Culture Fonds

2014   project grants: Foundations E. & C. Burgauer, Ernst Goehner, Zurich

2013   stipend for Travel and Research: Goethe Institut

2013   project grants: City of Zurich, Migros Kulturprozent, Foundations E. & C. Burgauer, O. & E. Gubler-Hablueztel

2011   project grants: Czech-German Culture Fonds, ifa e.V. Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen

2008   artist grants: Georges and Jenny-Bloch-Foundation, Foundation Art Progressive, Zurich

2007   award Akku 2007, residency: Verein Akku, Uster/Zurich

2006   residency and grant: Foundation Sulzberg, Villa Straeuli Winterthur

2006   project grant: 'International Art Exchange': Senate of Berlin

2004   award, one-year artists grant (Arbeitsstipendium): Senate of Berlin

2003   project grant: Goethe Institut/inter nationes

2003   2. place GASAG Art Award, Berlin

2003   scholarship program Goldrausch Kuenstlerinnenprojekt art IT, Berlin

selected bibliography

2023  "Bettina Carl", by Anke Hoffmann, in Kunstbulletin magazine vol.  5/2023, Zurich

2022   Swiss Art magazine 123/124, ed. visarte Visual arts association Switzerland, 2021/2022, Zurich

2020   "Take a Bone from a dog", by Irene Mueller, in Kunstbulletin magazine vol. 10/2020, Zurich

2017   "Bettina Carl bei DuflonRacz Bern", by Ewa Hess in SonntagsZeitung Bern, April 30, 2017

2016   "Peripherien der Zeichnung", by Gabriele Knoop, Norddeutsche Rundschau Hamburg, Sept. 23, 2016

2015    interview by Czech Public Televison Broadcasting, Prague, June 9, 2015                       

2015   "Meine Wahl", by Daniel Morgenthaler in Zueritipp, Oct. 1, 2015, Zurich

2013   "Re: Gegen Weiss", by Paulina Szeszniak in Zueritipp, Nov. 14, 2013, Zurich

2012   "Bettina Carl" feature, by Marc Valli, ELEPHANT Arts Magazine vol. 9, London-Amsterdam, Jan. 2012

2010   "Ich weiss, was du nicht siehst", by Peter Funken, in Kunstforum International magazine, May 2010

2008   "Bettina Carl: Strumming for Martyrdom", by Ken Pratt, WOUND magazine vol. 02/08, London

2008   "Flaechengeometrische Illusionsraeume", by Suzanne Kappeler, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Feb. 26, 2008

2005   "Prekaere Perspektiven" ed. NeueGesellschaft fuer Bildende Kunst ngbk e.V. Berlin

2022    Koennen wir verschwinden? ed.  Judit Villiger, Steckborn (exhibition booklet)

2022  panorama akku, ed. akku Uster e.V.  (catalogue)

2021   Corona Call. ed. Visarte Switzerland (catalogue)

2011   Bettina Carl. Forstgottheiten  ed. Galerie SchauOrt Christiane Buentgen Zurich (monographic catalogue)

2011   Art Brussels 2011  (art fair catalogue)

2011   Glueck. Mit Seife und Gabeln.  ed. Tanja Trampe/Parasitaere Gastarbeit, Revolver Verlag (catalogue)

2008   Bettina Carl. WESEN - BEINGS  ed.  akku Uster e.V., Staedtische Galerie Uster. (monographic catalogue)

2005   Preview Berlin The Emerging Art Fair 2005, Berlin (art fair catalogue)

2004   flache welt / flat earth.   ed. Goethe Institut/inter nationes and CAPRI Berlin (catalogue)

2003   Bettina Carl. MONTES SOVIETICI   ed. Goldrausch Berlin (monographic catalogue)

2001   bopulaer   ed. TZR Galerie, Bochum and  Berlin University of Art (catalogue)

1998   StadtFinden   ed. Kerstin Vorwerk/Kulturamt Hannover (catalogue)

1997   Junge Kuenstler Deutscher Akademien.   ed. Hypobank AG Munich (catalogue)

editions of printed graphics, and artworks for magazines

2019   Continental Divide. linol cut print, eight parts, ed. XYLON Switzerland


2018   Zine – to March, Clandestine Life of the Boycott Giiirls!, ed. Corner College Press Zurich


2017   Prelude. inkjet print, edition by Haus am Luetzowplatz Berlin        

2010   The Figure of Two, in "31" magazine, vol. 14/15, ed. Institut fuer Theorie, Zurich University of the Arts

2009   The Locals I - IV,  series of four lithographies, ed. VFO Verein fuer Originalgrafik Zurich


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